

As a service to all our families, we provide a complimentary service announcement to let the community know whether or not there will be a gathering open to the public.  We encourage families to submit a photo of their loved one along with a short story, biography or any chosen charity donation suggestions.

Palmares, Visitacion

Visitacion Palmares1954 ~ 2021 Visitacion Palmares 2 de julio del 1954 ~ 18 de noviembre del 2021 No llores. Voy a reunirme con Dios, los espero en el cielo: yo muero pero mi amor no muere. Yo los amare en el cielo como los he amado en [...]

By |May 31st, 2022|Comments Off on Palmares, Visitacion

Carbajal-Menchaca, Isaac

Isaac Carbajal-Menchaca 1955 ~ 2021 Isaac Carbajal-Menchaca October 12, 1955 ~ November 27, 2021 Hail Mary full of grace the Lord is with thee; Blessed art thou among woman, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb. Jesus Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for [...]

By |May 27th, 2022|Comments Off on Carbajal-Menchaca, Isaac

Riddle, Benjamin

Benjamin R. Riddle 1967 ~ 2022 Benjamin Raymond Riddle May 25, 1967 ~ April 17, 2022 I'm no longer by your side, But there's no need to weep; I've left sweet recollections, I'm hoping you will keep. Eternal joy and memories Stay in our hearts [...]

By |May 27th, 2022|Comments Off on Riddle, Benjamin

Dean, Jason

Jason A. Dean 1970 ~ 2022 Jason Anthony Dean February 14, 1970 ~ April 3, 2022 God, grant me The serenity to accept the things I cannot change Courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. [...]

By |May 27th, 2022|Comments Off on Dean, Jason

Miranda, Arturo

Arturo O. Miranda1943 ~ 2022 Arturo Octavio Miranda9 de diciembre del 1943 ~ 12 de abril del 2022Padre Nuestro, que estás en los Cielos,Santificado sea Tu Nombre,Venga a nosotros Tu Reino,Hágas Tu Voluntad,así en la tierra como en el Cielo.El pan nuestro de cada día dánoslo hoy,y [...]

By |May 27th, 2022|Comments Off on Miranda, Arturo

Liberati, William

William C. Liberati 1939 ~ 2022 William Chester Liberati April 6, 1939 ~ March 26, 2022 To ascend the highest heights It takes more than strength, More than courage; It takes drive and dedication To the ones who mean the most... If we have accomplished [...]

By |May 27th, 2022|Comments Off on Liberati, William
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